Error: Not preparing information about the company, job position, and requirements given by the employer.
How to fix:
Mistake: Being late shows you don't respect other people's time and are unprofessional.
How to fix:
Error: Clothes that are too revealing, too casual, or too elaborate are not suitable for the work environment.
How to fix: Choose attire that is polite, neat and suitable for the company culture.
Error: Incorrect sitting posture, averted eyes, lack of confidence in hand and foot gestures.
How to fix: Sit up straight, look straight at the interviewer, smile and maintain a confident attitude.
Error: Responding hesitantly, unclearly, or giving general answers.
How to fix:
Mistake: Not asking questions shows you are not interested in the job or are not well prepared.
How to fix: Prepare a few questions related to the job, company culture, or growth opportunities.
Mistake: Saying bad things about your old company shows that you are a negative person and don't know how to solve problems.
How to fix: Talk about the experiences you learned at your previous company and why you want to look for a new challenge.
Mistake: Asking questions about salary and benefits too soon can make the employer feel like you only care about money.
How to fix: You should wait until the end of the interview to ask about these issues.
Error: Forgetting to send a thank you note is an unprofessional act.
How to fix: Send a thank you note within 24 hours of the interview to show your interest.
Other errors:
Careful preparation and avoiding the above mistakes will help you be more confident in the interview and increase your chances of being hired. Wish you success!